The Kiernan Brierley Consultancy




What is sherardizing?
sherardized components

Kiernan Brierley offers an exciting opportunity to manufacturers and major wholesalers of components, nails, and fasteners to add value to your products by operating your own sherardizing process.

Sherardizing is a surface coating process to improve the surface quality of steel by giving superb corrosion and hardening resistance.

We offer a consultancy based on over thirty years of practical experience of sherardizing thousands of tonnes of components, nails, bolts, nuts, fasteners, castings, tubes, shafts etc, for the oil and marine industries, construction industries, naval shipbuilders and leading nail and bolt manufacturers.

We will provide you with the technical expertise to allow you to construct, install, commission and operate your own sherardizing process.

Contact Kiernan Brierley to add value to your business.

Contact us for further information